Being multi-lingual gives your brain some remarkable advantages. Some of these are even visible, such as: Higher density of the grey matter that contains most of your brain's neurons and synapses...
There is so much hatred around us. Let us show the world light, through kindness. Let us practice to be kind. Here is a list of examples of how we can incorporate kindness into our daily lives.
"Set your feet free and your mind will follow." So goes the logo on the Society for Barefoot Living homepage. Why, you may be wondering, is there a society devoted just to people who love to live barefoot?
“Throw out the textbooks” and “missing link” are words rarely heard anymore in science, but that’s what researchers around the world are saying about the recent discovery of...
Please consider enrolling in your state’s or country’s donor registry or a medical institution of your choice. Then share your decision with your family and friends. When your time comes, your organs may be used to save many lives.
“Long taken for granted, food now gives many people pause. They ask where it comes from, how it is grown and prepared, and what implication it has for our health and the environment.”
Here's how your body goes nuts during the 60 minutes after you drink a Coke.
Not assisted dying, but Guru-guided living, is the Sikh way. "This body is the Lord's Temple wherein is revealed the jewel of Divine comprehension".
Our understanding of habits and patterns within our personal lives and on a societal level has expanded. We know a great deal more about the science underlying habits; why they emerge and how they change.
The best way to manage knee pain is through a combination of self-help measures. Knee are one of the most likely joints to be affected by pain. Knee pain can impact walking or climbing stairs...