This story follows the daily lives of three Sikh siblings as they go about their day. Instead of a narrator, the story allows the children to speak, making it relatable and engaging for young readers. It's a great way to inspire young children towards Sikhi.
Once a group of very religious men and women from every religion got together. A young child watched them as they spoke to each other. These people were all talking about very important subjects and they were discussing the nature of the Universe. One of the religious leaders honestly expressed himself, "I am CHRISTIAN; There is only one way to God , and that is the way I preach." Then another lady spoke honestly, "I am HINDU and I know of a God that is much older and wiser than your God!" Then another man said, "I am SIKH and none of you know what you are talking about. Here is what God is..." Yet another said, "I am JEWISH and God is Universal. What all of YOU don't understand is this..." "No no!" said another, "I am a MUSLIM, this is all wrong, God is this..."
The Guru's two younger sons are lost and alone with their grandmother. The children who were 6 and 8 years old, were arrested and brought to Governor Wazir Khan. Their grandmother, Mata Gujri, was left alone in a freezing cold tower while the children were interrogated by the government. They were given a choice: Change their religion.... or die. Will these young ones follow the example of Guru Teg Bahadur and sacrifice their lives... or will they give up?
Guru Hargobind became the 6th Guru, he was young and strong and he started the Sikh warrior tradition in order to protect the innocent and destroy the wicked. When emperor Jahangir asked the Guru to join his prisoners Guru ji agreed. With many lessons along the way join as the Guru gets the nickname 'Bandi Chhor'.
Please be aware that the extreme nature of this story may be too much for some children's sensitivities. Consider listening first before sharing with very young children.
This is a story about a young man who some people thought spent too much time by himself. Who would have expected that the lonely youth would one day become the True Guru!?
This is a double story! This GurGaddi story is both how Guru Gobind Singh bestowed the Guruship to the Khalsa Panth and later to the Siri Guru Granth.
Guru Nanak used to travel all over India with his companions Bala and Mardana. Wherever they went, they made beautiful music to help people understand God and spread truth. This story takes place when they visited a remote village in Northern India.
Simran Kaur wanted to change the world for the better, she didn't like that mother earth has suffered so much. After she had a vision she invokes the spirit of Bhai Ghaneya a miracle occurs. It inspired many people all around the world and helped green the planet.