Full length Animation: The Origins of Kartarpur - Guru Nanak and the Millionaire

Note: For a more in-depth discussion on this story please read: 'The Bind Millionaire, The History Texts & Your Heart'

This is the story of how a rich man went blind because he thought he knew better than the Guru.

Once Guru Nanak had stopped by the side of a river and started meditating. He looked so saintly that whoever passed by would say, "Wow, what a beautiful man!" "Yes! I just feel drawn to him." 

Whether they were Hindu, Muslim, a monk, a yogi, a husband or a wife, people would flock to go to the Guru. They would meditate together and be in bliss. When they left they would carry his songs in their hearts, "ਨਾਨਕੁ ਆਖੈ ਰੇ ਮਨਾ ਸੁਣੀਐ ਸਿਖ ਸਹੀ nanak akhia re mana sunia sikh sahee"

Nearby there was a very rich man, a millionaire. Sometimes the rich and powerful think they are better than everyone else. This millionaire thought he knew everything:

"Who is this Nanak everyone is talking about?! How can both Hindus and Muslims worship him?? He is so famous, this makes no sense!!"

Once he heard someone singing one of the songs of Nanak: 

“To avoid Ajrail, the angel of death, in a serious confrontation.

To end the brutal cycle of birth, death and endless reincarnation. 

Oh human, be truthful and pure right from the very start. 

Nanak Says be humble and obey the Guru’s teachings in your heart”

Everyone loved these songs. But, the millionaire thought he knew better:

"Reincarnation is for Hindus but the great angel Ajrail is for Muslims! You can not mix these two! This destroys the belief of Hindus and reduces the faith of Muslims! This song is blasphemy!"

He declared, "All you people are being misguided! You must stop listening to this fake Guru!" 
But the people were not convinced he said, "Fine! I’ll fix the problem at the root. I’ll take care of him myself. Either he’ll stop his teaching or I’ll put him in jail!" 

The millionaire jumped on his horse to confront the Guru… but the horse kicked him off! He fell on the ground, his turban knocked off. He was furious. But the people around him tried to use reason, "Sir, I think it is a sign. Sri Nanak is a MahaPursh, it is not good to disrespect saints."

But the millionaire would not listen to advice from a subordinate, "Don’t be foolish… I’m… I’m just tired, that's all. I shall take a nap now. I’ll stop him tomorrow!"

He took his turban and stormed off. The next day he was able to mount his horse. Along with his servants he marched towards the river ਰਾਵੀ where the Guru was. On the way he would say things like:

“You people need someone like me to show you how to have a spine” 

“You gotta have guts to do what’s right” 

“Society needs structure! We have to squash this religious chaos”

But as he got close, just before he was able to see the Guru, he lost the ability to speak: 
"You people think I’m harsh, but later on you’ll be thanking m-uh, guh wu, huhhhhhhh…"

Then he, and everyone around him, lost their sight, "I can’t see! What’s happening?!" "Me neither, I’m also blind!

The millionaire thought to himself, "I wonder if they were right. Maybe he is a MahaPursh. Maybe Nanak is full of virtues…"

As his vision went totally dark he stopped his horse, his mind also stopped:

"They tried to warn me, and they were right. Anyone who opposes his greatness will regret it, like me. I am such a fool." 

Then to his surprise, his voice came back. He spoke from his heart:

"I was jealous of his fame and wanted to test him… but I am nothing, how can I measure him!? I was blind to his greatness. But now I understand his glory."

He regained a little vision, enough to see what was in front of him. As he started moving his horse, he continued his praises, "Great Baba Nanak, I bow to you. Please forgive me! Take me into your shelter. Please accept me as your Sikh!" 

Then someone offered him drop of wisdom: 

"Sir. Before you were on your high horse, thinking you know better than everyone." 

He honestly admitted it, "It’s true, I looked down on people." 

"Well Sahib, you are literally still riding on a horse. In order to meet a saint, you must come humbly. Join us on the ground and walk on your own feet." 

He immediately jumped off his horse. He took off his shoes. Walking barefoot he did not look up, he only looked at the ground. With every step he made a prayer: 

"Forgive me. 

I am yours. 
I am nothing.
You are my master." 

He didn’t know if minutes or hours passed, he was just absorbed in prayer, "I am like a mosquito who thought he can eat a bird, I am like a pebble who thought he was a mountain. Any fool like me who slanders a saint will only get pain. Oh Baba, bring light to my dark mind!"

Then, like magic, right in front of him, he saw the lotus feet of the Guru. He immediately laid down on his belly, bowing in a dandout, "Please accept me in your shelter. Master, allow me to be your Sikh. I will not move until you either accept or reject me. If you reject me great one, at least I will have heard your voice. Either way I will obey your every word." 

He gave many praises to the Guru who looked at him with compassion. Guru ji said, “You may rise. Open your eyes and empty your mind.” He did exactly that. His vision was fully restored and he saw the glory of the Guru’s presence. The atmosphere was full of peace and devotion. Finally he spoke, 

"Master, please make a space for me at your feet in the afterlife. In this life, please accept my offering: The beautiful land we are standing on, please build a Dharamshala here. We’ll build a village here in your name where people can be fed. Please bless me by accepting this gift."

The Guru did accept it and said, “No one will stop you from doing that Seva which is on your heart. This will be a refuge for the SatSangat, a gathering place to meditate on the name of Har”. The sanctuary was built and it was named ‘Kartarpur’. Guru Nanak eventually retired at this place, he brought his wife and sons there, farmed the land alongside the villagers and everyone lived their life remembering the Naam. 

That millionaire went from being stuck in arrogance, to living the rest of his life flowing with devotion and bliss, always under the blessing of his Guru. 

Just like him we can also transform our lives and live day to day within the Guru’s refuge. 

You see, we have so much information available these days that we think “oh, I know something”. But the Guru knows everything we know… and much more! He knows our past lives and even knows what’s in our hearts, better than we know ourselves. 

Like the millionaire, we can also sometimes also get stuck in our heads: by hyper dissecting the Guru’s teachings, like they are some old relics, that are not alive. No, the Guru is alive, and the truth is known from our hearts. 

Now are you ready to hear the special secret which helps us to know the Guru is alive? Can you guess that secret? Hukams! 

Gurbani says:

ਹਉਮੈ ਗਰਬੁ ਨਿਵਾਰੀਐ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਰਿਦੈ ਗਰੀਬੀ ਆਵੈ।

The Gurmukhs get rid of their ego, in their hearts they come to the master as poor. (vaar 29, paurhi 13)

So, like the rich man, throw away what you think you know, and focus on service to the one who is greater than you. Say to yourself, “I am nothing, my Guru, you are everything!” Go to the Guru, take a hukam, and accept his living words. Then lovingly go along… and in your heart, carry the Guru’s song. 

Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
Wahiguru ji ki Fateh

Topics:  My Sikhi, Guru Nanak
Age ranges:  1 - 6, 7 - 12