Guru Nanak and the Bowl of Milk

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Have you ever felt that you are not making spiritual progress even though you are doing your practice? Guru Nanak Dev gave this world nectar. His teachings can infuse your practice, and your life, with that nectar. This is the story of how the Guru gently guided some religious men and showed them the greatest remedy. 

Guru Nanak Dev was about to finish with all of his travels around the world. He had just been victorious in the middle east and he was returning homeward to again live as a householder. [Show Guru meditating and him seeing something written on his forehead, then the Guru’s hand passes over the forehead and it starts to shine, could also be a little aura as we did in Ancient One] As he came across the city of Multan he felt the souls of dedicated religious men call to him. Especially a Pir named Shams whose destiny needed to be awakened.

A messenger informed Shams and the other Pirs that Guru Nanak had arrived outside their city. They had heard of the famous Baba Nanak, "He is the most famous and respected of all Pirs! In Baghdad he transported to countless other worlds. His power is beyond our understanding." Most of them were intimidated by the Guru, "Yeah, and in order to win a debate in Mecca he rotated the Kaba! If he comes here, he'll use his powers against us. Then he'll be above us. We just can't compete..." 

They thought about what to do and decided they'd send a bowl of milk to the Guru. A bowl full to the brim. When the Guru saw this he understood their message, "We don’t need you, we have plenty of religious leaders here."

So Guru Nanak gave them a message back. He plucked a Jasmine flower and placed it on top of the milk and said, "Kindly take this back to the Pirs". The Pirs saw that the Jasmine flower didn’t make the milk spill over. They also noticed that the Jasmine essence was being infused into the milk. 

They were understood through the milk Guru ji was saying, “Know that my presence is the same as how the flower is infused into the milk”.
They were softened by this, "He’s telling us that he will not displace us as the religious leaders of this area, he will only add a special essence to compliment our own understanding."

In order to learn what essence they would gain they went out to meet the Guru. Shams admitted that he was tired, "I’ve done so many spiritual and religious practices, but my body still feels empty. We read and discuss scripture all the time… but my mind is still hungry with desire. My thoughts are not yet still, always jumping everywhere. Please Baba, lovingly give us the solution." 

Baba Nanak explained that, "The mind can not be stopped with your own force. Even sadhanas and hard practices can’t stop it. The mind, the man, can only be controlled with man-tra. The only cure is mantra."

This teaching of Truth inspired questions, "Great one! With all due respect we do lots of recitations already. Just this morning I’ve done chanting, but I’m still unfulfilled.. 

Guru ji explained, "You want your hard effort to be rewarded. The Shabd of the True Guru needs to be contemplated, then you will recognize what the mantra really is." The Pirs wanted to know yet more and Guru ji explained that your whole life has to be reformed for the vibration to have full effect. He told them, "Fix the Guru’s teachings in your heart, do not be attached to this world for it is maya, it is like a dream". 

One of them, Bahaval Haq protested, "Oh, just don’t be attached to anything in this world… that’s easier said than done…" 

Guru Sahib said, “Listen! The Name of the Creator is True because the Creator is True!” They felt that he spoke the perfect truth. Yet the mind is curious and they continued asking questions. And he explained that you have to live an honest life with a clean heart for the Naam to blossom inside,

"Honesty is your friend, dishonesty should be banished. Anger and lust should be kicked out. It is the soft heart that is pure”. They saw him with amazement and humility as he gave a final message, “Keep the company of saintly virtuous people and always, always remember the name of the Creator Khuda”. 

They were all humbled, "Baba! You are a great faqir! You have obtained such a high spiritual level. You reveal Divine secrets." "Your teaching save countless people in this Kalyug. You are such a great mystic, you are the house of kindness."

They all bowed with humility and gratitude. Guru Nanak returned to the Punjab and they held his teachings deep in their hearts. Their minds were no longer tired and their bodies were full of spiritual light. They became great and famous teachers.

What can you do to remember God more and serve virtuous people? 

The Guru says, 

ਦੇਹ ਸਰੀਰਿ ਸੁਖੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਸਬਦਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਇ ॥

The frame of my body is at peace, through the Shabad, and the Name of the Lord.

ਨਾਮੁ ਪਰਮਲੁ ਹਿਰਦੈ ਰਹਿਆ ਸਮਾਇ ॥3॥

The fragrance of the Naam infuses my heart. 3.  (Ang 560)

All of the Guru’s teachings start with 'Jaap'. Repeating Bani like the Mul Mantra. There are endless gurbani and shabds that you can read, listen to and sing along with.

We can not force our own enlightenment, but we can always be humble and serviceful Sikhs of our Guru. With the Guru’s blessing may the Naam infuse into our hearts. 

Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
Wahiguru ji ki Fateh