In the village of Poola lived a young man named Taru. He worked very hard every day on his farm with his family. He was also a very devoted Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh and he always loved serving people. Everyone knew he loved to serve and everyone loved Bhai Taru. Bhai Taru believed all people are children of God. He also learned from Guru Gobind Singh Ji to treat all people with equality and love. He didn't care if someone was Hindu or Muslim, he just wanted to serve the God in them.
During the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh there was a famous bandit stealing from people. The Maharaja offered "I will offer two villages to anyone who catches this robber alive." The bandit in return posted his own offer, "If anyone can catch me alive I will give them the throne of Lahore." Along came a brave Singh to battle with the bandit to stop his reign. Will the Singh win and be given the throne of Lahore?
Bhai Mehtab was a fearless son of Guru Gobind Singh. When the Hari Mandir Sahib was taken over by a crude Moghul ruler, it turned in to a house of sense gratification. Bhai Mehtab couldn't stand it when he heard this news. He told the people in the village, "Start an Akhand Poth, I will either die or bring back this rulers head by the time it is finished." And to Bhai Mehtab galloped on horse to Amritsar.....
After Guru Gobind Singh's time, during the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, there was a purely devoted fearless Khalsa named Akali Phula Singh. After taking a hukam from the Guru he wouldn't delay his battle plan to attack at dawn. He was the only one to charge in to battle against the Afghan army at first. He fought bravely without fear of death. He said, "The Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh can do anything."
A king with his army visited Guru Gobind Singh ji. The king obviously thought his army was superior to the Guru's so the Guru decided to teach him a kind lesson. Guru ji asked his Sikhs to use themselves as targets to test a new gun he had received. Two Sikhs wanted so much to give their lives for the Guru they fought over who would be the target. The proud king was greatly humbled.