It's that time of year, and despite the rather rocky year it's been, nonprofits everywhere are fundraising. SikhNet is no different in that way. But the other day I was thinking about some of our services and realizing how different we are, too.
Money isn't a linear transaction, it's an echo that recycles itself over and over, working as a tool to support your values, which, with enough momentum, creates lasting shifts and changes for generations.
I had the honour of meeting the two pioneers of SikhNet - Guruka Singh Ji and Gurumustuk Singh Ji - when they informed me of their vision back in the last few years of the last century. I think Gurmustuk was just a teenager then!
My name is Jujhar Singh from the UK. I am on the SikhNet Board of Directors and I’ve been supporting Sikhnet for a long time now.
This has been one of the most challenging years for me that I can remember, and I have heard the same from so many others all around the world.
Double your impact during DasvandhWeek when you donate to SikhNet Kids' Stories!
Kirtan artist, writer and philanthropist - Manika Kaur
“Rajwant was first in her class, she loves school, and she wants to be a doctor.* she said. “She even got admission into a nursing school in Patiala."