Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh

Ek Oaankaar, Satgur Prasaad

My name is Jujhar Singh from the UK. I am on the SikhNet Board of Directors and I’ve been supporting Sikhnet for a long time now. Back in late 1999 (even before I was gifted Amrit by the Guru) I used to subscribe to the Sikhnet “Daily Hukamnama from Harmandir Sahib.”

Back then I worked in a hospital as a server administrator and junior software engineer. Every morning as part of my routine, I would hit my desk, fire up Outlook and read the translation of the Hukam and try to relate to the Guru’s word. Then I would open up my support tickets and start my working day. It was one of my early experiences of the great Guru and it was facilitated by Sikhnet - every single day those emails came, and they would bring me closer to the Guru.

Early in 2000, Gurumustuk Singh put out a message on his blog asking about when the Hukamnama email drops into mailboxes around the world. I immediately wrote a detailed message back, checking the server logs and working out what time the emails arrive. That was the start of my relationship with the Sikhnet team and I’ve had the privilege of working on many different parts of the Sikhnet offering ever since. Currently, we’re working on the next generation of the Gurbani Media Centre and we're excited to be gradually releasing the new functionality to you all.

Sikhnet has provided me with many opportunities to “pay it forward,” and I try my best to help out wherever I can using the gifts Guru has given me.

Now there is an opportunity for you to "pay it forward" for all the amazing services SikhNet provides to you, your family, and the global Sikh sangat. Will you donate to Sikhnet so that we can continue to grow and provide new features and services to the Sangat?

Will you donate to Sikhnet so that we can continue to grow and provide new features and services to the Sangat? Will you “pay it forward” so that the Global Sangat can continue to benefit from being digitally connected to the Guru in the same way I did and still do?

In Service,

Jujhar Singh (UK Vala)

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