Readers are challenged to embark on a journey that will be intensely engaging and enriching...
Outer selves adorned with gold but their inner selves unadorned with Divine virtues?
"Nanak! If she lights the lamp of wisdom in the mansion of her mind and makes her body as the bed,
the King of Wisdom comes to her and embraces her into His union." - GGS, 359
The legendary love-birds ‘chakva’ and ‘chakvi’ – are male and female orange-brown ducks. They are known for their love for the sun. In poetic references, when the sun sets, they feel that they have been separated from their partner who might be right next to them.
While editing the recent Jap Ji series for AWAT, I got the opportunity to delve into this concept. Everyone knows the value of Jap Ji Sahib. In our tradition, all are encouraged to teach their children this beautiful Bani.
After reading and contemplating the meaning of the hymn a couple of times, it was like, "The egg of my delusion has burst and my mind has been enlightened (SGGS, 1002)."