Guru Nanak taught us that our common humanity is the highest spiritual truth. As religious sectarian violence explodes on the world stage, we Sikhs need to embody this message and share it with others.
By the Guru’s grace, over the last year, SikhNet restructured itself into a team model. The SikhNet Leadership Team (SLT) was tasked by the board with defining what success looks like over the next 5-10 years. We began with a “Blue Sky” visioning process with our entire staff in August of 2021. The SLT has been developing strategies to realize this vision ever since.
As we stand up to assert our sovereignty to defend our way of life, let us do so for the entire human race - for Sarbat Da Bhala. Let us dedicate every meeting, every word and every action so that one day all people, no matter where they live, will feel protected and safe to worship the Creator according to their own consciousness and their own choice.
I remember national coverage of his murder, and the insistent message: We in the United States do not practice this kind of religious intolerance. We will not go down this road in the aftermath of 9-11.
We can add our prayers for protection and healing, even while supporting the practical efforts of many organizations doing seva on the ground.
Should the All-Encompassing Eternal One come into their awareness, They shall receive An immovable kingdom.(2).