Wahe Guruji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guruji Ki Fateh

Dear SikhNet Family,

In April, Gurumustuk Singh shared that he is leaving SikhNet after 26 years of serving the global Sikh community. Many of you have reached out to him and us expressing your gratitude and appreciation for how SikhNet has impacted your life.

My name is Ek Ong Kaar Kaur and I have worked with Gurumustuk Singh for the last 20+ years, and SikhNet has truly been a labor of love. July 14th will be Gurumustuk Singh’s last day. We created a Kudoboard where you can wish him well.


SikhNet will miss his brilliance and passion. Yet every ending heralds a new beginning. As SikhNet’s new Interim Executive Director, I wanted to take a few minutes to welcome you and share how SikhNet moves forward.

By the Guru’s grace, over the last year, SikhNet restructured itself into a team model. The SikhNet Leadership Team (SLT) was tasked by the board with defining what success looks like over the next 5-10 years. We began with a “Blue Sky” visioning process with our entire staff in August of 2021. The SLT has been developing strategies to realize this vision ever since.

Our singular objective is to be the leading online source of Sikh inspiration for everyday life.

Our five main pathways:

  1. To focus on more original content that is relevant to the needs of our community.
  2. To grow and expand existing services such as SikhNet’s signature Gurbani Media Center.
  3. To upgrade our skills and systems to leverage data and analytics for our global audience. 
  4. To invest more in marketing, so we broaden our reach to even more Sikhs globally.
  5. To strengthen our base of support in order to accomplish these objectives.

Here is a very brief introduction to our SikhNet Leadership Team:

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Ek Ong Kaar Khalsa Michaud: Interim Executive Director. 

United States. Ek Ong Kaar Kaur leads the work of the SLT, and works with the board to develop strategy, business development and operations.

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Kaylee Spinhirn: Chief Financial & HR Officer. 

United States. Kaylee oversees SikhNet’s finances including developing and managing our annual budgets. Kaylee also manages Human Resources.

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Jujhar Singh: Chief Technology Officer. 

United Kingdom. Jujhar Singh guides our software development and directs our technology team

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Darshan Kaur: Chief Development Officer. 

United States. Darshan Kaur coordinates and oversees SikhNet’s fundraising efforts including grant writing and our annual year end campaign.

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Siri Radha Kaur: Chief Experience Officer. 

United States. She is responsible for the SikhNet user experience. She maintains our content, communications and brand.

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Amanpreet Singh: Chief Analytics Officer. 

India. He is responsible for SikhNet’s data analytics and website optimization. He guides our digital marketing strategy.

By Guru’s grace, SikhNet has a growing audience across the world, with over 5 million visitors in 2021. By the end of 2022, we will have 20 people working for SikhNet in full-time, part-time and contract positions. Our team is 100% virtual and distributed across the United States, India, Canada, the United Kingdom and Peru.

SikhNet exists because of you. Your support makes SikhNet possible - month after month, year after year. While it is bittersweet as Gurumustuk Singh transitions away, and yet the greatest tribute is to ensure that SikhNet thrives into the future, continuing to serve Sikhs across the globe. 

The way we see our mission:

SikhNet as an inspiration, nurturing spiritual growth and supporting a Sikh lifestyle for a globally diverse community in the spirit of Oneness and Chardi Kalaa.

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you!

Please reach out to me with any questions or if there is any way we can be of service. May the Guru keep you ever in His Light and Grace.

Wahe Guruji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guruji Ki Fateh

Ek Ong Kaar Khalsa Michaud

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