[OP/ED] A journey of trust and faith, of one that releases fear. A journey where looking into your eyes, I see nothing but God, His love and His greatness beyond comprehension.
“You are not a prisoner to your genes,” says Dr.Dharma Singh Khalsa, who is president and medical director of the Tucson-based Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation.
Now researchers in Canada have found the first evidence to suggest that support groups that encourage meditation and yoga can actually alter the cellular activity of cancer survivors.
Many educators are introducing meditation into the classroom as a means of improving kids’ attention and emotional regulation.
My Satguru Ji is Great! I may add that the quoted Gurwak is meant to unite separated souls such as mine with the Supreme Lord (our Mool/Crown). He made me to use this Gurwak to unite the separated branch with its Mool (crown).
Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist, was one of the first scientists to take the anecdotal claims about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and test them in brain scans. What she found surprised her - that meditating can literally change your brain.
[VIDEO] For National Day of Prayer the Washington Post is featuring a wonderful group of videos titles "How to pray like..." Leaders from different faiths demonstrate how they pray.
If you were to know and understand all the words used in the different spiritual traditions to describe aspects of God, you might begin to understand something of the greatness of God.