"Nanak! If she lights the lamp of wisdom in the mansion of her mind and makes her body as the bed,
the King of Wisdom comes to her and embraces her into His union." - GGS, 359
'I am a happy mother to three girls. I have not felt lost without a son and I will celebrate the birth of my baby girls.'
Equality Is Sweet: Pink Ladoo campaign launches to encourage British South Asian families to celebrate the birth of a girl
If only I'd learned then that the soul is beyond all of that. And that actually I not only had every right but I had the responsibility to reflect my higher self.
She will now prepare for Saturday afternoon’s semi-final of the tournament, which is taking place in the Turkish port city of Ordu.
Rupi masterfully weaves her own story, raw yet told gently, powerfully pulling the audience into her art. It is awe inspiring how she links her own outlet for healing, writing poetry, to the poetry inherent in Sikhi,
In this poem a mother speaks to her daughter about an incident where she is called a burden. "You are not a responsibility, you are a blessing. You are not someone’s, this world is yours."
this is for those darker kaurs with thick black hair on our bodies. who don't find liberation calling our hair a
'hormonal problem' or in narratives of sikhi without the non-compliance and the struggle.
"it was difficult to let go at first and let go of the expectations of society. But letting it go was so empowering. It's a way of saying this is who I am, this is how God made me and putting that above what society expects of me."