Documentary following Ravi Singh, a Sikh charity worker who, inspired by his religious principles, puts his life on the line to help people in need. The program follows Ravi's journey to northern Iraq...
After a gruelling 12-hour shift driving a taxi, Tejinder spends five hours cooking up a storm in his kitchen, preparing 80 kilograms of vegetarian curry and rice, which he then serves as a free lunch.
A new film about what it means to be Sikh, "Under the Turban," made its world premiere Sunday at the United Nations Association Film Festival, one of the oldest documentary film festivals in the United States.
"In every older [person] I see my parents, my grandmother … and I try to help, do the best I can under my Transit policies and procedures. I try to help anybody I come across," Chahal said.
Do you see the impact our thoughts have? Now if I assume that he/she is not interested, different feelings will arise in me than when I assume “he/she is in an emotionally difficult phase”.
What is on my mind today is not our lapses; they are too numerous to track, but their inseparable connection to human virtues, whatever their number or divine origin, if any.
What starts out as street interviews turns out to be a very meaningful introspective moment. Watch as Avneet asks a series of questions and be amazed at the conclusion they were all lead to:
International Langar Week (from 3rd Oct to 9th Oct) is a week long campaign, across the globe, with the mission - HELLO LANGAR GOODBYE WORLD HUNGER.
As noted earlier, only one author in the Guru Granth, the Bhatt Gyand, has used "Vahiguru" in the combined form (Ang. 1402-4). Not that it matters...
The condition of the ward was pathetic and the poor were the worst affected. So, he decided to do something about it and started buying them food and medicines. Gurmeet Singh has donated his blood on multiple occasions as well.