Sikh entrepreneur and coder from the UK is improving lives with his innovative social network, AnonCare.
“Being a Hindu, how did you get so deeply interested in the Guru Granth?” She asked.
Meanings, word origins, their usage, & context create powerful visuals, enabling one to experience the depth of Gurbani.
Serving tirelessly for over 46 years, this 60-year-old becomes an angel for many in need.
There is no barrier between creator and creation - God and me, me and God are One.
His prolific work, which has the vision of using the internet to reach hearts, has been especially valuable to the younger generation of Sikhs, many of whom have strengthened their Sikhi with his inspiration.
As I mature and struggle to navigate my everyday world whilst continuously contemplating and grappling with the good and bad that competes in my life...
Someone that chooses to stand
For those that need a hand
To make them stand
“Rajwant was first in her class, she loves school, and she wants to be a doctor.* she said. “She even got admission into a nursing school in Patiala."