Consequently, as I searched for answers, I realised that the all my answers could be found in one place, the Guru Granth Sahib. I endeavoured to learn to read Gurmukhi.
3 simple ways in which one could improve their Gurbani Ucharan. When we read Gurbani, its important to pay attention to the words and how they are spelled.
To complete his project, not only Sardar Satpal Singh had to teach himself software technology and employ wisely the software technology he mastered but to also negotiate with software developers as well as their owners to use their tools and their platforms for a wide and free distribution of the product.
[VIDEO] Thank you to the Basics of Sikhi team for creating this free 28 part online video tutorial series. The final videos in the series is a repeatable and slow recitation of Jap ji Sahib. Very valuable videos to watch for anyone interested in Gurbani.
SikhNet does an exclusive interview with Mohanpreet Singh, the force behind PELP (Punjabi Enable Learning Program). ~Seeing students excel is such a motivation. It is the same feeling when parents appreciate us on our efforts to teach their children in learning Punjabi Language and eventually reciting Gurbani...~