"In my view, the author has a motive and purpose for writing this book to checkmate those writers who are bent upon destroying the aesthetics of Gurbani.."
She knew that if she wanted her kids to bond with her language, they needed to be fed that as kids. Her hunt for Punjabi books led her to many disappointments...
While the parents and elders endeavor to provide their children with the right tools to grow in life, getting the tiny tots acclimatized to religious tenets and teachings can be an uphill task.
Book Release by SikhRI. "...This book will make a great gift to second time parents and grandparents expecting a second grandbaby."
It is a great challenge for me as a writer to draw a snapshot of some very revered visionaries of the sikh community and project their visoin in a way understandable the non-sikh world as well.
Now what does Dya Singh mean when he talks of a teacher-facilitator instead of a traditional granthi, kathakaar or raagi? And why should we embrace this model.
Rupi Kaur's first book, Milk and Honey is the poetry collection every woman needs on her nightstand or coffee table. Accompanied by her own sketches, the beautifully honest poems read like the everyday, collective experiences of today's modern woman.
Book Review: Jat Sikh Women: Social Transformation — Changing Status and Lifestyle by Amarinder Sandhu
Kushwant Singh's "Sikhs Unlimited" reviewed by IANS' Shuba Singh
This week, Peter Bance published “Sovereign, Squire and Rebel: Maharajah Duleep Singh and the Heirs of a Lost Kingdom.”