Indeed, everything happens according to the methods established by the Creator. The cosmic bodies were placed in orbits by the Creator. The creatures are conceived, born, grow and die as established.
"Wow, this has ignited a flame inside to read bani everyday now, the visuals really caputured something in me to explore Gurbani more"
Harkening to old traditions of turban trying by warriors who would incorporate chain mail into the turban to protest against arrows or sword impacts, the 'Tough Turban' uses modern technology to possibly achieve the safety that a helmet offers for road accidents.
Recognizes cultural, religious, and interfaith importance of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as “Living Guru” of Sikhs in promoting peace and declaring Sikhs as distinct ethnic and religious minority.
The party is keeping him as the 'sardar', the head. His concession speech felt more like triumph. He started out beaming and bobbing to music leading the crowd the wave with their arms in the air.
Animations are a catalyst which help others to embrace and digest Sikh history in an effective way
First of all, I commend all the people who take care of the Gurdwaras on a daily basis. It isn't easy (especially living in the conditions some of ya'll do). But don't you think it would help a lot if the people taking care of the Gurdwara could not only speak Punjabi but the language of the local people?
Columnist DYA SINGH puts up a laundry list of issues that has seen Sikhs get into silly disagreements, and sometimes unturban each other
Major TV shows dedicated 1 hour episode to Sikhs. See if you agree that this episode did us justice!