After years, Bhai Sahib Vir Singh received a message from his college friend. The friend was in the hospital and urgently requested Bhai Sahib's visit. Surprised and eager to assist, Bhai Sahib promptly went to the hospital.
Bhagat Kabir holds the distinction of being the most widely quoted author and mystical poet in India. Despite being a Muslim, his verses have been included in the Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred scripture of Sikhism.
‘Bhagat’ means devotee and is derived from the Sanskrit term Bhakti, which signifies dedication and love. Bhagats developed a belief in a single God.
Guru Arjan Dev emphasized the importance of kirtan, the singing of devotional hymns, as a means to attain union with God.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji's verses are deeply philosophical, mystical, and express a sense of peace and profoundness emanating from his realisation of Brahma and bliss.
"How can only reciting name of Akal Purakh be the supreme blessing and magical panacea of all ills?"