Although Sikhi is such a large part of my life, truth is…I really don’t think about kesh much.
The young Khalsa of today is struggling to keep his promise with Guru Gobind Singh. Many, who are tune with their conscience, tie the turban everyday, look in the mirror and get a glimpse of their father - men and women alike.
At 7 feet, 8-plus inches, Sarwan Singh's beard is quite a sight to behold.
APKF has planned to open turban clinics across the country within the next six months
S for Spirituality, I for Individuality, K for Knowledge and H for humility.
We all want to be modern. There is nothing quite so distressing as to be told that one is behind the times or...
GGSSC Canada Reports the comments of one of many students who attended their crash course - Introduction to Sikhism.
Signaler Singh made history as the very first Sikh soldier to wear his turban on Public Duties guarding the monarch and protecting the Crown Jewels. He was soon joined by Lance Corporal Singh.
Sikh victims of crime will now be given the option of requesting a Sikh police officer to work on their case. Well, in London at least.