I say, don’t be sluggish and don’t get down! It’s important to understand that we are humble servants here to courageously serve humanity.
We live in globalized world where people of diverse backgrounds are interacting with one another more than ever, and it is painfully obvious to all of us that too many people are unable to reconcile different religious or ideological viewpoints.
Through my work, I have seen minority communities struggle with being the unwarranted targets of misguided bigotry and prejudice as our nation has grappled with fear in the never-ending "War on Terror."
Kaurs may feel alone and isolated with no one as a role model or no one to talk to about their challenges. In attempt to build community and learn from one another, Kaur Life reached out to its readers to find out how they handled the pressure to shave and how they resisted the razor.
Gurumustuk Singh says, "This is my personal experience as an American-born Sikh with parents from Christian and Jewish backgrounds; the changing world of Sikhi, and how various people are connecting with this lifestyle..."
The cursive touch was just out of the world, never seen in Gurmukhi. The surprise came when we shared it on PDL's Facebook page...