This was the last public class he gave. In this katha we learn that even one line of Jap ji is so full of meaning it is more than enough for one lifetime.
This is the story of Raja Bali as written by Bhai Gurdas Ji. "Immediately priest Sukracharya made the king (Bali) understand that he (the beggar) is undeceivable God and He had came to delude him..."
Learn and understand the meaning of Gurbani from Siri Guru Granth Sahib using this easy to use audio book style app. Currently featuring over 600 hours of Gurbani Katha in Punjabi by Giani Thakur Singh and Giani Harbhajan Singh USA. With plans to add additional Katha audio to the app in later releases.
Implied in this (the) statement is the concept of “One God”—the idea that we do not need names such as Hindu or Muslim that separate one group from another, because we all come from the same divine source.
[VIDEO] In this short excerpt from a talk he gave in Gurdwara in September, 1987, Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji discusses the meaning of Gurmat. Includes a transcript in English and in Punjabi translation.
The lesson is not that this is an impossible task but that the engagement with the Guru never ends. We climb mountains not because they are climbable but because they are there.
This is the story of Raja Janak as written by Bhai Gurdas Ji.
These are the great enemies of man and cause much suffering. While they reside in the human body, how can the Name of God find a place in it?
3 simple ways in which one could improve their Gurbani Ucharan. When we read Gurbani, its important to pay attention to the words and how they are spelled.