While we can be grateful that the 2nd and 3rd attacks didn't cause any injuries, Sikhs internationally are calling for sanctuary to be offered to Afghani Sikhs.
Staying home both pressurizes us as well as re-sorting our priorities
I get energized by other people's energy. If I am isolated from people, I will be depleted and depressed.
Let us take care of our physical and mental wellbeing when subjected to unplanned down time. Let us not allow it to have a profound effect on our moods, add anxiety, extreme frustration, or depression etc.
This greeting by the Sikhs, Buddhists and Hindus when they meet another soul is performed with bowed head, palms touching, fingers pointing upwards and the thumbs near the chest, to convey that with my entire being, that is my soul, mind and body, I humbly acknowledge the divine in you.
I’ve recently been thinking about Bibi Agya Kaur. In the early 1900s, she promoted women’s education among Sikhs in Punjab. She was a school fundraiser, kirtanee, and teacher. But then, she succumbed to the Spanish Flu pandemic. She died in 1918.
"...Attitude towards life in general and towards fellow human beings has to change. The mind and heart have to be trained to ‘be’ happy.”
It Is the recommendation of the CDC and my office that if you think you have the virus, stay home!
Information and recommendations as relates to the virus so that our gurdwaras can be better prepared to handle concerns