While the government has begun to address financial remedies to support small businesses, we know that there are still challenges in getting doors open and restaurants running again, but it is our hope that we will rise above together.
Success is only achieved by those who stay focused and clear about their objective. Here, Guru Ji has addressed his mind by it as brother, reminding it that it will have to render account of how the capital of breath which is life has been utilized.
Life, by its very nature, is uncertain, no matter what we do to bend it to our whims and desires.
The point is that the significance of Vaisakhi did not start with 1699 nor did it end that day. The revolution of Vaisakhi continues apace and undiminished today. We need to move our heads into the 21st century to see it.
It is a time for reflection. It is a time for transformation. It is a time for a reality check.
What Bhupinder Singh does is not only give a logical and clear definition of what humility is, but builds a strong case for why practicing humility is relevant in regards to our way of life and our way of thinking.
Down To Earth speaks to Mohinder Singh, professor and director of the National Institute of Panjab Studies and Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan,New Delhi, about epidemics and public health in Sikh history
A reminder for us to establish a relationship with the Guru ~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Sikhs, since 1984, are no stranger to being blamed for their own victimization.