In faith histories, folklore, and legends - recorded, verbally transferred, or popularized by succeeding generations, we come across no greater example, nor a testimony of humility such as exemplified by Guru Gobind Singh.
On Sunday, December 28, 2014, on the sacred occasion of the 348th birth celebration of the Tenth Sikh Guru, The Sikh Satsang volunteers packed over 15-tons of canned food, cereals, soft drinks to be delivered to Gleaners Food Bank before year-end.
~ An Enlightened Soul, Light of the Universe, a Lion: My mind cannot fully fathom, nor can my words possibly describe, The rare Light that graced our world that was Guru Gobind Singh ~
Gurumustuk Singh says, "This is my personal experience as an American-born Sikh with parents from Christian and Jewish backgrounds; the changing world of Sikhi, and how various people are connecting with this lifestyle..."
Guru Nanak is regarded by the Sikhs and many others as a Messenger of God, an enlightened Teacher, a champion of human dignity and peace among faiths, and a brilliant spiritual Light for all humanity.
Bhai Gurdas ji states in above line, if one is not performing 'Sewa' (service), your hands + feet are- Dhrig, Dhrig translated is like having a curse. Also anything else one does is fruitless performing to him.
The evening celebrated life, hope, and promise: to make a difference to the lives of children thousands of miles away. One can imagine many more people such as Christel DeHaan committed to life-transforming opportunities for others and pursuing endeavors to uplift humanity.