An Enlightened Teacher, Emancipator, A Saint-Soldier

A Prayerful Tribute: by Kanwal Prakash “KP” Singh

An Enlightened Soul, Light of the Universe, a Lion:
My mind cannot fully fathom, nor can my words possibly describe,
The rare Light that graced our world that was Guru Gobind Singh;
An embodiment of the purest virtues and uncommon excellences,
Generously manifested in this “Murd Agumurra” by God Himself
In amazing personification, in awesome magnificence.

An Enlightened Teacher, Emancipator, a Saint-Soldier,
A brilliant scholar and poet, musician and patron of the arts;
His life, autobiography, and passions attesting to a Divine Mission:
“To set in motion a spiritual and humanitarian renaissance;
Delivering humanity from the tyranny of oppression and evils;
Fighting injustice; assuring dignity of all God’s Children.”

Nanak-Guru Gobind legacy, teachings echo a Universal Spirit:
Seeing diverse cultures and communities of faiths
As God’s beautiful composite Commonwealth;
Their origin threaded and interfaced into Oneness by the Creator.
The Gurus reminded us of God’s unmistaken Commandment:
“Recognize Oneness, Unity, and Divine Spirit in all beings.”

In faithful commitment, with amazing sacrifices:
Sikh faith embraced, defended universal rights and basic freedoms
Centuries before these global concerns and cultural renaissance
Stumbled into global human affairs; welcomed in advanced nations.

Bravest of the Brave, Defender of the Faiths:
A fearless champion of universal equality and justice,
Precious human rights and cherished freedoms:
Sanctity of Life and liberty, right of self-defense;
Guru Gobind sacrificed his all to uphold the great ideals
Enshrined and celebrated in The Sikh Holy Scriptures,
Exemplified in martyrdoms of Gurus Arjan and Teg Bahadur
In defense of sacred principles, inalienable rights and freedoms.

Guru Gobind completed the final Sikh Scriptures:
Entrusting to all humanity the sacred Guru Granth Sahib,
Declaring Holy Granth as living embodiment of the Ten Gurus,
An Eternal Guru and Spiritual Guide of the Sikhs;
For students and pilgrims of faiths, a reservoir of spiritual wisdom,
Revelations, commandments, divine mystery and Eternal Truth.

At 1699-Anandpur Baisakhi, Guru created The Khalsa:
An Army of the Pure to fulfill God’s Mission;
A disciplined fearless force, placing sacred ideals above sacrifice;
In a rarest departure of prevailing traditions then and since,
Erased the distinction between The Master and his true disciples;
Paid glowing tribute, expressed deep gratitude to his Sikhs:
“For mentoring and exalting him by their unbound Grace,
For all battles won; for all his acts of generosity.”
In salutation, lasting gratitude, Guru expressed his pride:
“The Khalsa is my life, my very breath.”

In deep humility, Guru Gobind thanked the Wonderful Lord:
For the privilege of serving, for sacrifices asked of him and his Sikhs
In honoring Almighty’s Command, advancing God’s Mission.
For each of us, Guru Gobind offers a powerful testimonial trail,
A transforming brilliance, a call to be true and trusted soldiers of faith,
Give worthy testimony of life-gifts, God’s entrusted faith-heritage.

A brief earthly sojourn, a proud and momentous legacy:
From his birth at Patna in 1666 to his passing in 1708 at Nanded,
Guru saw much turbulence, darkness, anguish, and inhumanity;
Never lost faith as unfolding events tested his very soul;
Thanked the Wonderful Lord for all the trials and triumphs;
Offered an amazing testimony of Faith as Love, Service of Divine.

Guru’s life and vision have since guided generations of Sikhs and others.
Today Guru’s legacy, spiritual radiance light the farthest reaches of humanity.

December 28, 2014
Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

KP participates in interfaith and humanitarian initiatives (Interfaith Hunger Initiative); activities and celebrations of diverse faiths and ethnic communities in Indiana.  KP assists with cultural training for Police Officers and TSA personnel; works with teachers, students, civic leaders to create a better understanding of Sikh and other faith traditions and contributions. KP advocates interfacing and mainstreaming ethnic talents, assets to benefit and serve all Americans.

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