Review about two movies I just watched that have the theme of Finding Religious Commonality
Anantdeep Singh was one of 100 young leaders selected from 40 countries representing all major religions, spiritual traditions and indigenous faiths invited for the young leaders programme as part of the URI 2008 Global Assembly.
Looking back, the question that should have really troubled me was why a religious family of Sikh Punjabi immigrants would want to celebrate Christmas in the first place.
An exciting international programme that has recently been launched by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the Inter Faith Youth Core.
Greetings from the Golden City, Andhra Pradesh, India and the Oneness University Health Program
Catholic and Muslim leaders worked to deflate suspicion between their two faiths, pledging at a high-level seminar...
Lt Gov of California John Garamendi, in his keynote address, praised Sikhs for their hard work, positive attitude, and a spirit of sharing with other communities.
35 Christians killed and 50,000 forced from their homes by Hindu mobs enraged at Swami's murder
President Bush urged to raise pressing concerns about religious freedom in India
The Hindu temple in India has been listed as the largest Hindu temple in the world by the latest Guinness World Records book