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A letter from Guru Singh in the Golden City, Andhra Pradesh, India and the Oneness University Health Program

Dear Ones . . . Sat Nam!

We are grateful to be here at the Golden City in Andhra Pradesh State, South India teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as a part of the inaugural session of Oneness University's Health Program for Diabetes Care. Oneness is a movement that is building a model community for service to each other, and to humanity worldwide. This is the first of many such health programs planned here.

It is a blessing to participate with so many like-minded souls. When you look deeper into how we all managed to come together—it is obvious—the participating teachers and producing leaders were assembled by the enthusiasm and global reach of Anthony Robbins who himself is deeply involved with the Oneness Movement and University. He built a branch of Oneness University at his Namale Resort in Fiji. It opened earlier this year and today graduates a full session nearly every week.

The health program we are working with arose from the vision and inspiration of Sri Amma Bhagavan—founders of Oneness University—working directly with Dr Ron Rosedale, author of The Rosedale Diet. With Diabetes and Heart disease on the rise worldwide, we are safe in saying that this is only the beginning of a vision of health programs . . . another program will promote the healthy heart.

As we work with the students here, it becomes increasingly clear what this knowledge and transformation will produce beyond them. The classrooms and dormitories of this residential program will eventually graduate over a thousand students per month . . . a thousand people re-educated in lifestyle, mindstyle and health consciousness. We begin their day early, 6:00am a half hour walk, and at 6:30am we have 90 minutes of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. Throughout the day, they are learning about self-healing, self-discipline, diet, lifestyle, more yoga, chanting, laughing and the harmonic integration of their body's energies.

Imagine what this will all mean to their neighbors when they go out and inform the next wave and the next . . . spreading it from the words of their mouths to further human mastery one wave at a time.

And then, there is the combined reality . . . this is not only an effort to create personal health and transformation—though this [is] about lifestyle re-engineering—it is eventually about the individual influencing the community and the community influencing the globe.

Mahaatma Gandhi was deeply committed to the system of local sustainability . . . a unique construct of localities steeped in the art and science of total self-sufficiency known as Panchayat. This program beginning here at Oneness is a microcosm of such an initiative whose time has definitely come . . . it is essential for the whole Earth to engineer healthy communities now.

In a literal sense, Panchayat meant (panch) an assembly of five [wise elders] . . . much like the Panj system of the Sikhs in Northwestern India . . . but real community is far more encompassing than the assemblage of wise and benevolent leaders. It is about the vision of each healthy individual within the community itself and how self-organizing and self-contained communities are keys to the future sustainability of Earth.

This is the wisdom behind a system of human potential behind the future of healthy individuals, behind the future of permaculture and permacommunity. Include with this the self-organizing principle and you include a leadership model in action that achieves systemic cooperation through deep human valuation rather than tyranny. When enthusiastically nourished, individuals grow progressively and exponentially from the bottom up . . . a far more inspirational concept than globally administrating humanity from the top down.

We are experimenting here at Oneness University with the seeds of such a human insurance policy; beginning with the care of a specific disease, then moving with the consciousness of oneness toward a frequency beyond all disease; beyond pollution, strife, war, depletion, hunger, poverty and more.

This collective self-awareness is contagious . . . it readily spreads the joyful principles of being the whole human—not just the thoughts, feelings and needs we generate. It excites people to live consciously and compassionately—not competitively and combatively. It falls in love with eating living food—not living to eat food. It practices daily exercises with yoga and meditation as the core stabilizers—not the oddity. The greater community then prospers from the benefits of growing local to eat what will always remain supportable—while rewarding sustainability and renewability . . . keys to health on a crowded planet.

That is what the bigger picture looks like through the eyes of here . . . this is the humble starting point . . . creating a working model for conscious re-engineering. When a "specific" portion of the collective global mind takes this model to heart, it becomes a fulfillment of, "Be the change you want to see." Gandhi.

There will soon come a time when we are seven, eight, nine and ten billion deeply diverse humans sharing the same water hole . . . the same food source and the same toilet. With programs like this one, we will also share the same purpose . . . wholeness, wellness and oneness.

Welcome to the future . . . a disease-free Earth. Welcome to the Next Evolution . . . the core passion of The Guru Singh Global Community.

Always with Sacred Love Blessings Prayer and Gratitude . . .
Guru Singh and Guruperkarma Kaur

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