Readers are challenged to embark on a journey that will be intensely engaging and enriching...
Sewak Jatha Dadar (SJD) have started a new Initiative titled "Let's Take A Pledge" with the support of SGSS, which touches the social aspects of our live
Our humble thanks for Bhagat Singh's kind offering. Take advantage of it today.
Sikhs, we learn, are the new face in trucking.
Armed Forces Covenant signed, formally recognising the strong ties between the Sikh community and the Armed Forces.
Listening is a state of being. It is a state where we are fully awake and tuned in to the myriad of sensory inputs so that, in each moment, we spontaneously act in harmony with the very flow of life.
I'm visiting Melbourne next week would love to meet you face-to-face! This is my first trip to Australia and I'm very excited. As a SikhNet Donor, I'm looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
Dr Ujagar Singh Dhaliwal is the first turban Sikh and first Indian to be elected as secretary General Asia Federation of International College of Surgeons.