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MSS Guruka Singh Khalsa is the founder of the SikhNet computer bulletin board system (BBS). One of the original 25 teachers trained directly by Yogi Bhajan, he began teaching Kundalini Yoga in 1971 and is still traveling and teaching all over the world.  He became a minister of Sikh Dharma in 1973 and received the title of Mukhia Singh Sahib or Head Minister in 2004. His many YouTube videos and writings are an ongoing source of inspiration to the global “cybersangat.” His love of poetry and Gurbani has led him to translate Yogi Bhajan's Gurmukhi poems in Furmaan Khalsa (1987) along with publishing his English poetry in the volume The Game of Love (2004.) His most recent book is “Heros, Saints and Yogis – Tales of Self-Discovery and the Path of Sikh Dharma” (2011.) He lives under the blue skies of New Mexico with his beloved Khalsa family.