Stress, is no mystery why this biological response has been called America's number one health problem.
When it comes to nutrition, cruciferous vegetables are definitely on the A-list.
Doctors and health gurus have shown that you can be in good shape well into your later years
7 Ways to Live Potentially Decades Longer and Healthier, Adding Years to Your Life!
Your best defense against this disease appears to be in the food you eat.
enforcing a truly fragrance-free work environment is a difficult task because so many products contain them.
Last year researchers discovered that your appendix actually produces good bacteria and helps protect good bacteria in your gut.
Alzheimer’s disease is becoming epidemic in our world today. It is one of the only diseases in which there is no way to diagnose it early, or to treat it once it is diagnosed with current medication, let alone prevent it.
[VIDEO] As I said, this idea was at first interesting to me. However, as I looked more closely at it, the logic of this made less and less sense.
The power of touch is displayed perhaps no more poignantly than during the first few months of life. Babies who are not hugged and held during these first months will not thrive and grow like their cuddled peers.