We know that it's not happening now, but we relive it in our mind, over and over, and the pain of that event comes back. I call it "playing your old video tapes". It's like a home video in your head. We play, and then rewind, and watch the same part over and over again.
If you want to meditate, begin with your breath. Slow your breath down.
Your eyes have to be closed, otherwise you will be distracted. Sit up tall, and relax your shoulders. Then become aware of your breath.
Beging thinking ...
Because of the value of human life, suicide is a great tragedy. So that soul has to begin its journey again. That means going through all 8.4 million incarnations.
The bottom line is you have to do the work.
Guruka Singh is asked the question "What is the difference between a Sikh and a person of a different religion?" The answer is there is no different if you are talking about "religion". Religion is just a label. "All religions are equal... IF you live them as a spiritual person."
As part of a series of videos from talks done at the 3HO community, Jagraj Singh (BoS UK) and Harman Singh (BoS Canada) meet Gurumustak Singh and Harijot Singh at the SikhNet office to have a conversation about unity and non-jugdemental attitudes. Note: this was also aired live on Facebook.
What started as a few private collectors showing their collections of artifacts quickly developed into a place for many Sikhs to tell their stories.
See the shocking reaction, when we asked people to come forward to break the stereotyping.
Please enjoy this in depth look at Guru Khalsa Panth. The Panth is considered as the twelfth Guru. This is part 14 of a series from Basics of Sikhi called '12 weeks 12 Gurus.'
[VIDEO] LIVE video from July 27, 2016. Please think about making a film related to the environment for this year's film festival. The SikhNet staff discuss Sikhism and environmentalism.
Earth is the Great MotherFilm Festival Theme: Mother Earth (Mata Dharat) http://www.sikhnet.com/filmfestival/2016/mata-dharat-mother-earth/ Deadline is August 31st. Make a film this year. GET STARTED!