This story imparts this message simply and implicitly to children. For adults it invites us to contemplate the story behind the story. It invokes us to explore a moment of significant silence. A few pages can be written about the interaction of the cannibal with Mardana and Guru Nanak.... yet there are unknown volumes that can be written about the silence in the middle of the story.
This is a story that will not only ignite the imagination of young ones it will inspire them to act in their lives. Most importantly it will assure them that Guru Nanak is present in their lives, personally loving and guiding them.
Sikhi is a religion of converts. 3 of the Guru Sahibs converted. Some of the most consequential Sikhs of the last century were converts: Bhagat Puran Singh, Prof Sahib Singh & Master Tara Singh. Many of you reading this, and myself as well, were blessed to be born into this tradition.
Celebrating the Contributions of the Prominent American Sikhs
550th brings together people of different faiths in the memory of Guru Nanak.
IJ Singh explores Guru Nanak Dev Ji's transformative agenda
Eaethee maar pee karalaanae thai(n) kee dharadh n aaeiaa, karathaa thoo(n) sabhanaa kaa soee
Inspiring new song & music video by Taren Kaur in celebration ~ Spread the light and love! ❤