Prayerful Reflection of An Incredible Anguish

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The majestic Golden Domes shuddered:

At the sight of tanks, soldiers in boots

Invaded the holiest hallowed ground;

Deafening roar of guns, terror,

Cries of innocent pilgrims, children,

Dead and dying rend the air, sky above.


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The serenity shattered; sacred music stopped:

Ever-present birds sought shelter elsewhere;

Hearts of trapped visitors, pilgrims sank.

An assault on the heart, soul of a major faith

That stood for equality, dignity of all Life;

A mortal stab on senses and solemn promise,

The sanctity of rights and sacred trust,

Irreplaceable treasures and heritage

Belonging to all humanity lay in smoldering ruins.

Honor, dignity, India’s “Truth as Triumphant"

Met an untimely death; a sad unholy demise.



St. Peter’s and Vatican of the Sikhs:

Magnificent Darbar Sahib: Court of the Lord,

Amrit Sarover: The Pool of Immortality,

Majestic Akal Takht: Throne of Almighty;

Holiest sanctuaries and symbols of valor:

Sikh Reference Library, Museum, memorials

Stood murdered, desecrated, and plundered.

The Sikh Nation, scholars, humanity robbed,

Time-honored sanctity of faith “Cathedrals”

Lay violated in unimagined nights of betrayal.

Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

KP participates in interfaith and humanitarian initiatives (Interfaith Hunger Initiative); activities and celebrations of diverse faiths and ethnic communities in Indiana.  KP assists with cultural training for Police Officers and TSA personnel; works with teachers, students, civic leaders to create a better understanding of Sikh and other faith traditions and contributions. KP advocates interfacing and mainstreaming ethnic talents, assets to benefit and serve all Americans.

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