The Word Sant (a saint or sadhu) appears several times in Guru Granth Sahib. Who does it refer to in Gurbani?
Guru Nanak elaborates and says that true love of the Divine consists in living in accordance with His will.
Ravin Kaur shares her thoughts on anand karaj along with some insights into the gurbani of laavaan.
Some of us have made ambitious resolutions for 2017; others take a deep breath and hope for the best.
Living one's life through divine remembrance and putting into practice the wisdom we obtain from Gurbani - teachings in the Guru Granth Sahib is a form of meditation!
Chicken or egg ? This is a question that may never have an answer. This question however seems to relate to Gurbani's view that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.
When self-reflection takes place, we can then improve and straighten out our wrong actions and thoughts. We will then know the difference between the goal and the actions needed to attain the goal, and not foolishly mix-up the two.
After suniai comes mannai. The pauris 12 to 15 of Jap Ji can be seen as an extension of the previous four. These are devoted to mannai, which literally means by believing and following.
Attentive listening holds the key to transformation. These pauris emphasize listening as a means to transcend our limited consciousness into cosmic awareness, gaining access to deeper dimensions of knowledge and existence.
This vast expanse of creation came into being from a single command – something like the Big Bang Theory. And from this One Sound, millions of streams of consciousness came into existence.