Sant Teja Singh Ji led a vigorous and motivated campaign for administering Khande de Pahul in North America and brought many fallen and distracted Sikhs back into the Sikhi.
We are neither gyanis or scholars and have no intent to be so, just humbly trying to pay respect to a Guru Maharaj Ji’s beloved Brahamgyani.
During his visit to Anandpur, the city was under attack by an alliance of Rajputs and Moghuls. Kalgidhar Pathshah Ji asked Bhai Ji to do water seva...
The spiritual world, especially the Sikh world, is familiar with Bhai Sahib Bhai Kanhaiya Ji, who is widely known for his water seva during battle.
At first, I was incredibly reluctant to go. I wasn't a big fan of writing, and I would rather do anything else than spend an entire day in a classroom learning how to write,...
After she passed us, she turned around and said something I would never forget: “If you don’t know which door to open, go back to your country.”