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Tonight I am posting a video which is from the Japji Sahib Course which was held in Virginia, USA in March of 2006. This was led by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur and a few others from the local sangat in Virginia. The video is Ek Ong Kaar Kaur’s Introduction at the beginning of the course. She tells stories of Guru Nanak and about the Spirit of Japji Sahib. Last night after blogging I found DVDs that she had given me. I popped the first one in the player thinking I was going to quickly check it out. Next thing I know an hour had passed and I watched much of the first DVD. I learnt a bunch of cool stuff. You can watch part of it below and if you want to get a copy of it go to EOK’s blog for details.

In case you don’t know Ek Ong Kaar Kaur, she lives here in Espanola, New Mexico and was a great asset as she worked with us at SikhNet for many years. (She recently has been rehired as the new Program Director for SikhNet.) She always has lots of energy to serve! She is a great writer and has a unique way of expressing her thoughts. You can go to her website to see some of her previous articles. www.ekongkaark.com.

Download: Video (69MB) / Audio (8MB)

Video recorded by Pritam Pal Singh Rishi


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