We all have thoughts that recycle and perhaps lead us to an imbalanced emotional state such as anguish. Watch and read about this very useful technique to counteract the mind when it is on this negative track: 


Follow along with this guided meditation. This meditation is for cutting through 'haunting thoughts'. Haunting thoughts are thoughts that keep revisiting you and causing you ongoing pain and grief. 


1) Lower the eyelids until the eyes are only open 1/10th. Concentrate on the tip of the nose. Silently say, "Wahe Guru" in the following manner: "Wah" -- mentally focus on the right eye. "Hey" -- mentally focus on the left eye. "Guru" -- mentally focus on the tip of the nose.

2) Remember the encounter or incident which happened to you.

3) Mentally say "Wahe Guru" as in number 1.

4) Visualize and personify the actual feeling of the encounter.

5) Again repeat "Wahe Guru" as in number 1.

6) Reverse the roles in the encounter you are remembering. Become the other person and experience that perspective.

7) Again repeat "Wahe Guru" as in number 1.

8) Forgive the other person and forgive yourself.

9) Repeat "Wahe Guru" as in number 1.

10) Let go of the incident and release it into the Universe.

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