[VIDEO] Roque responded, “I know I can’t give you back what I wish I could, which is your brother, but I hope you find some comfort in knowing that I’m very sorry for what happened to your brother and your whole family and his wife and everyone.”
Celebration of the Prakash Diwas of Siri Guru Granth Sahib at Harimandir Sahib in Amritsar in 1604. It was a packed event with 8 speakers, youth presenters, kirtan and contemplation.
300 Sikh men, women and youth from all over Visalia, California gathered to support National Sikh Campaign's plan to educate Americans about the Sikhs and Sikhism.
The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, is the holiest spot on earth for millions. The people who worship there provide an example of living out the teachings of one’s religious beliefs.
"I'm from Sikh faith," he added. "I've been taught always stand up against the atrocities, any kind of persecution. I did what I think every American would have done," Bains told CNN's Chris Cuomo.
"And we know that the University of Alberta and the larger Edmonton community stand in solidarity with Sikh Canadians in saying that this type of messaging is not welcome."
Every year since then, on September 15, his family including his wife, children and brothers as well as local Sikh Community has been commemorating him at a memorial built exactly at the spot he was gunned down right in front of his gas station...