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When you are happy, take it as a blessing of God. When you are unhappy, take it as a test of God.

The Chinese tell a story based on three or four thousand years of civilized wisdom. Two coolies were arguing heatedly in the midst of a crowd. A stranger, noting the depth of their anger, expressed surprise that no blows were being struck. His Chinese friend explained, "The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out."

God is everywhere. God breathes in you. How foolish we are to go looking for sand in the desert.

Sadhana is starting each day with a conscious effort to communicate with our own souls.

If you know all the knowledge you want to know, if you do whatever you can do, even if you can fly in the body, even you leave this body and totally disappear, even if you can do miracles, even if you can feed two million people just on the spur of the moment, if you have powers and superpowers and extreme power, if you have not found the relation between you and your soul, your time on earth is a waste.

LIFE IS WHAT YOU CONSCIOUSLY MAKE IT: Therefore, you must have a target to achieve. Everything in life should be evaluated in terms of whether it is directing you toward the goal or away from the goal. Make a point not to miss your destiny point ! From the beginning, with God’s help, to the end, with God’s help, the human should be human !

Who can be humble is he who has seen the vastness of the universe and feels humble in relation. The higher you go in consciousness, the more humble you will become.

All the energy you put in the past you take away from tomorrow. That’s where lies your sorrow. That’s why you don’t have energy to make everything possible.

Copyright �1977 S.S.S. Yogi JI

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