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KP Singh, Rupal Thanawala, and Raju Chinthala among the Eleven Recipients of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award

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The Annual Indiana-India Gala is fast emerging as a nationally recognized and internationally known Asian Indian-Hoosier event; it is a signature celebration of the Indiana India Business Council (IIBC). The IIBC is led by a very dedicated and visionary leader Dr. Raju Chinthala - Founder and President Dr. Raju Chinthala, and a distinguished Board of Directors, and supported by a number of Indiana and India leaders and several philanthropic friends from across a wide spectrum of cultural groups, business entrepreneurs, educational organizations, political leaders, and individual friends and benefactors.

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The underlying passion of IIBC is to expand business interests and trade opportunities; cultural and educational exchanges; in the fields of sports, internet technology, and science; and building friendship and goodwill between India and the State of Indiana. The IIBC and Indiana leaders have invested an inordinate amount of energy and time to explore ways to make this an important, productive, and mutually-rewarding relationship, and a farsighted partnership. In time this effort and bridge between India - the world's largest democracy, and Indiana - an emerging destination attracting national and international interest with several Sister States and Sister Cities partnerships across the world may have found the right stride: "to open Indiana's doors to the world and the world's door to Indiana."

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It is a wise realization to welcome the new cultures and faiths and amazing talents and experiences to explore untapped prospects here; and help Indiana aggressively compete with other States in the USA and beyond. Indiana is charting a more hopeful and farsighted destiny: "A State that Works," serves and welcomes new visionary ideas and fresh pioneering energy from within and across other friendly frontiers.

The speakers and ceremonies at the 2022 Indiana-India Gala highlighted that commitment and promised to strengthened that commitment. Here are a few additional highlights about the Gala:
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Attracted 325 friends - many in fabulous Indian fashions and representing a diversity of cultures that included several dignitaries: Senator Todd Young; Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett; Indiana Attorney General, Todd Rokita; Consul General of India, Amit Kumar; U.S. India SME's Council Chairman; Mayor of Columbus Indiana; Bobbi Bosch of Christel House International; Danish-Punjabi-Hoosier singer, dancer, and Global Music Award Winner, Anita Hjorth Lerche; and several leaders of businesses, organizations, and community groups

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As in the past three years, IIBC honored two outstanding leaders Mr. James A. Schellinger and Mr. Sudhakar Gande who are dedicated to the advancement of IIBC and U.S. India SME's Council mission. They were presented the IIBC's INDIANA RATTNA Award.

For the first time, assisted by the U.S. India SME's Council Chairman Sudhakar Gande and President & CEO, Elisha B. Pulivarti, eleven distinguished leaders and entrepreneurs: Sumeet BhatiaRaju ChinthalaRamu ChinthalaBharat PatelAjay Ponugoti, Sravan Patharla, Bharath GaliRupal Thakker ThanawalaJaved Khan, Ajay Sarin, and KP Singh were honored with the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award for their multifaceted contributions and service to Indiana and our Nation.
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The Gala venue was the fabulous and ornately-appointed Indiana Roof Ballroom in Downtown Indianapolis; a delicious Indian dinner on the menu; opportunities to meet friends and make new friends, and take home some memories to enjoy and share.
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Cultural Entertainment: Beautiful classical Indian dances - Invocation - Ganesh; Annamacharya Kruthi, and Tillana by the amazing dancer and teacher Anitha Un Srikant and her Nrityanjali Dance School's fabulous dancers gave us new insights and window into the ancient and classical Indian dances and culture.

A beautiful video-testimony by a former student of the Christel DeHaan Academy in India - a global initiative dedicated to empowering underprivileged children with free top quality education - introduced us to this visionary humanitarian project.
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Masters of Ceremonies: Martin Baier, President and CEO of the International Center, and Vani Sharma did a commendable job.
A crowning highlight - the entertainment by a wonderful DJ: Everyone was invited and encouraged and many took to the floor to try their dancing skills. It was a good time showing off our footwork and dancing spirit with the internationally-acclaimed and rocking Punjabi Bhangra and dancing to the Western rock music.
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The IIBC's Indiana-India Gala; International Center's International Citizen of the Year; Asian American Alliance's Asian Fest; Nationalities Council of Indiana's International Festival; Indiana Historic Society's Be Heard: The Asian Experience in Indiana; and a thousand cultural, religious, festive celebrations over the past 55 years have made the present amazing renaissance possible. The Asian Indian-Hoosier community has come of age. It was not always like that. A lot of hard work, dedication, sweat and sacrifices have been made by many along this journey.

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Our great arts, cultural, educational, minority business, and vital community initiatives need to be supported for them to survive, flourish, and to serve. We have a stake in this and much work lies ahead. Many potential undiscovered promising dimensions and dreams are awaiting our future generations. Our engagement is critical to raise our sights and commitments and to be robust partners in the community life, assets, and decisions that profoundly concern and effect us. Showing solidarity with proven initiatives and programs is one way we can advance ideas and interests that benefit all Hoosiers and make their impact far beyond the State of Indiana possible. There is always room when the cause is worthy. For the many upcoming special events; the 2023 Indiana-India Gala on August 9, 2023, let us fill the Indiana ballrooms and classrooms with a renewed commitment and pride in adding to the strengths and prosperity of "Our Indiana Home." ~ Respectfully, KP Singh (KP Singh Designs) - Indianapolis, Indiana USA - August 10, 2022.

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Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

Kanwal Prakash 'KP' Singh

KP participates in interfaith and humanitarian initiatives (Interfaith Hunger Initiative); activities and celebrations of diverse faiths and ethnic communities in Indiana.  KP assists with cultural training for Police Officers and TSA personnel; works with teachers, students, civic leaders to create a better understanding of Sikh and other faith traditions and contributions. KP advocates interfacing and mainstreaming ethnic talents, assets to benefit and serve all Americans.

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