Iconic fashion magazine Vogue.com recently released a stylish video featuring Baba Avtar Singh and his famous 200 lb. dumalla. The video is titled "How to Tie a 200-pound Turban--Sikh Style! - Vogue

The less than three minute videos poppy feel, unique fashion and Sikh pride are probably factors that contribute to this video already going viral on the internet.

Watch the video here:

Published on Apr 14, 2015

Baba Avtar Singh, a Sikh who lives in Northern India, is known for wearing one of the largest turbans in the Punjab. If the (often misunderstood) turban is a symbol of Sikh pride, his is an all-out celebration. Using 2,460 feet of fabric and weighing in at over 200 pounds, the brilliantly colored turban always draws a crowd—call it Sikh street style.




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