Features previously unknown depictions and stories of women in the Sikh military history.
New film about an epic British Indian frontier battle is to be made
[VIDEO] Think successful and you'll be successful. That's not what chardi kala is. Chardi kala is not saying 'I am in a negative situation so I will think positive.' Chardi kala is 'what can the world do to me...'
In this ever-changing world there are timeless principles at work, sometimes beneath the surface, sometimes quite apparent. There are also special creations, enduring pieces of art, that reflect these principles in a way that captures our imagination and turns our attention inward.
Time froze, instead of verbal communication a glance of eye was enough to tell the situation of every mind present. More than the ranks of Hawaldar, Lance Naik and Sepoy they shared a brotherhood.
If Banda had committed Muslim carnage in Punjab he would not had got support from Punjabi Muslims. 5000 Muslims join Banda. Most of them were farmers but they were others as well.
A poem about the Chali Mukte and the women in their families. He wrote both in Punjabi and English and is often compared to poet Walt Whitman in that Singh’s work is dreamy, other-worldly, and romantic.
Recently the British Army contemplated raising a Sikh Regiment as part of its standing army. While the move ultimately failed, we kinda understand why they would want a Sikh regiment...
"… I have known Sikhs to pick bullets out of their turbans during and after battle. In fact the turban absorbs the shock of a bullet possibly rather better than a tin helmet. If the turban is properly tied, it will also form an effective buffer too, for instance from a toss from a motor bicycle.