Steve Jobs and Thoughts on Death

 The morning of October 6, 2011, I just opened the Google web page and under the search window was a small line with name Steve Jobs and dates 1955-2011 written with it. I was shocked to learn that the legendary visionary, the creative genius was no more. It was shocking that there was no news about his health earlier that could have warned us. Although his health issues because of pancreatic cancer were well known still it was a shock to hear about it. Death of such a well known icon and a personality sure cast gloom all over the world, and there are millions who probably felt that some one close to them is no more. Now with media and technology we can all witness how it has cast a pale of gloom from Cupertino, CA to Chatham Islands, New Zealand.

Because of his legendary influence in his death we are hearing again his most famous quotes. Now, at his death while mourning, let us see what he thought about death. In his celebrated Stanford commencement address in 2005, he spoke frankly about his initial cancer diagnosis in 2003. Let us hear it, in his own words:

"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it.”

This is quite interesting and it appears that the visionary is talking like a prophet. In fact there is similarity of thought with what our Gurus have said. Let us look at some of the quotes from Shri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS):

        “jig mrxu n BwieAw inq Awpu lukwieAw”                     (SGGS, Pg. No. 447)
            “Jag maran n bhaaeiaa nith aap lukaaeiaa”

Meaning: The people of the world do not like death; they try to hide from it.

Now about the death as the destination, Guru Ji says:

            “sBnw swhurY vM\xw siB muklwvxhwr ]”                      (SGGS, Pg. No. 50) 
        “Sabhanaa saahurai va(n)n(j)anaa sabh mukalaavanehaar.”

Meaning:Everyone shall go to their Husband Lord. Everyone shall be given their ceremonial send-off after their marriage.

In Guru Ji’s eyes that is the final destination for the soul bride, and everyone in this world destined to die. In Guru Ji’s words:

        “mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey ]”                              (SGGS, Pg. No. 685)
               “Maran likhaae ma(n)ddal mehi aaeae.”

Meaning:Destined only to die, one comes into the world.

Here we can see Guru Ji has compared it to the destination of going to husband’s house after marriage.

Now, what about going to heaven? Guru Ji says:

           “ibnu mUey kYsy hir pwie ]”                                   (SGGS, Pg. No. 159)
                    “Bin mooeae kaisae har paae.”

Meaning:  Without such a death, how can one find the Lord?

Well we associate Lord with Heaven so Guru Ji is saying how we can get there without dying. So, how do we overcome the fear of death? Guru Ji says by remembering it:

            “mrxw mulw mrxw ]”                                        (SGGS, Pg. No. 24)
                 “Maranaa mulaa maranaa.”

Meaning:Death, O Mullah-death will come.


“muieAw ijqu Gir jweIAY iqqu jIvidAw mru mwir ]”           (SGGS, Pg. No. 21)
“Mueiaa jith ghar jaaeeai thith jeevadhiaa mar maar.”

Meaning: To reach your True Home after you die, you must conquer death while you are still alive.

These short and crisp words of Guru Ji are really a curt reminder of the inevitable. Now let us how Steve put this thought in front of us:

“But someday, not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it's quite true.”

Let Steve’s death serve us as a reminder for us that our time on earth for limited only. Even our body, like a container has expiry date written on it, unfortunately which we cannot read. But if can remember that Steve said "Death is the best invention of life." our lives will change too.


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