SikhNet got a chance to speak with the co-creator of the new Super Sikh Comic. This is a must read for anyone who is a comic fan or is interested in Sikh media.
But despite Mr. Ghani’s pledge to make Afghanistan more inclusive, Mr. Singh says he worries that his tiny religious minority could disappear as more Sikhs and Hindus leave their homeland because of persistent discrimination.
Gurumustuk Singh says, "This is my personal experience as an American-born Sikh with parents from Christian and Jewish backgrounds; the changing world of Sikhi, and how various people are connecting with this lifestyle..."
I speak about my experience to others and usually people are eager to listen and they tell me that a visit to The Golden Temple is on their agenda. It should be on everybody's agenda...
The Golden Temple in India feeds a vegetarian meal to over 100,000 people a day regardless of race, religion and class
Established at a time in India when separation by caste was of the highest importance, the act of sitting together (Pangat) in the Guru ka Langar was a revolutionary idea.
So I decided to pick a location which was least visited by foreigners and the media in general. I contemplated in repeating the success of my last film with a subject that was primarily similar to the theme of my last film.