Since that first Sadhana until today and forever, Japji Sahib is part of my life
Mardana doesn't understand why Guru Nanak would bless both the mean people of one village as well as the kind people of another village.
When I discovered the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, offering me a universal path, of union, of integration in the individuality, of respect and communion with all expressions of faith…they stole my heart.
After wandering and feeling lost, I had found a state of joy, of ecstasy. I was touched. I felt that now I was swimming in an infinite ocean and that I not only floated in it, but I merged with it.
Amidst dwindling numbers of Sikhs & Hindus in Afghanistan, Sardar Narinder Pal Singh appointed new Member of Parliament
Dutch Sikhs officially invited to lay flowers and pay tribute at the National Monument since 1999
Efforts to connect to the "Shrines that have been deprived from Sangat" after partition
New Temple is a product of people who have come from the ends of the earth
I was living on the south coast of Chile and building my home in a beautiful place where the river and the ocean join together and where we are surrounded by forest, rain and rainbows. My teacher gave me a tape with the words “Japji Sahib” written on top. Now I understand the power of that gift, because it was the beginning of my Journey on this Spiritual Path that changed my life.
Sikhs need to ask themselves as to what their priorities be - It's time to Ponder.