A world-wide group of Sikh scholars and community elders have gathered together to create an on-line outreach program in service to the global Sikh community.
Their project, Sikh Renaissance Project, provides an interactive opportunity for Sikhs to come together, ask questions and dialogue about the Sikh way of life.
There are multiple meetings each week through Zoom, organized by region. Visit the following website for more details about times and how to get connected.
The project stems from the consideration that even after all the Gurdwaras, Sikhi organizations, Gurbani discussion groups, Radio and TV programs promoting Sikhi, the Sikh Community is losing members. Most of them leave Sikhi due to a lack of their knowledge about the philosophy and the value of the Sikhi way of life. How and where does being a Sikh help in their life. Part of it is the lack of a Sikhi environment at home, and at times parents are unaware of what to do, where to seek help in making the home environment appropriate for Sikhi bringing up the children. Where to find Sikhi cartoons videos, Sikhi children's books, Animation movies on Sikh History, and Online Punjabi/Gurmukhi classes. Not all families, especially in Diaspora, live near Gurudwaras and not all Gurdwaras provide much help.
The Global Sikh Council (GSC) Sikhi Renaissance team finds that all kinds of teaching services are being provided but no one is listening to the needs of the people. There is no central, organized system to answer their concerns and questions or guide them to the resources that might answer their questions and needs. In addition, parents are not always aware where to find attractive cartoon videos, children's books, Sikhi coloring books, animation videos, etc. for their young ones.
To address the gaps identified above, Sikhi Renaissance Team of GSC has developed plans to hold weekly listening online sessions with the objective to address those needs, and also to develop a list of resources and organizations providing various services, as a reference for the young ones and for the parents.
The GSC Sikhi Renaissance team has formed local teams (e.g. one on West Coast, Central time zone and Eastern Time Zone, one in UK, two in India, One in Malaysia, Australia etc.) to hold weekly one hour sessions. The objective of the sessions is to listen to the concerns, issues, opinions and questions raised by the audience and provide whatever answers we can. The answer may be to guide them to organizations and institutions where they can find their answers.
In addition, one of the parts of Sikhi Renaissance is to develop a network of all the Sikhi organizations that are serving the community with focus on SGGS message and help spread the word. It will also help avoid duplication of effort and generate synergy.
GSC is looking forward to your participation and hope the Sangat can benefit from this service. For more information, visit: Global Sikh Council: Sikhi Renaissance