One of my favorite things that connects me to the Guru is the Gurbani Media Center app.
Amidst an impressive panel of interfaith leaders, elected reps and police officials the audience applauded the film.
The Sikh way of life can be a tremendous help by bringing experiential inner awareness of the interconnectedness of all there is, and that every internal move of energy, be it a thought or an action, has an impact on the outside world.
If you review the hundreds of seva programs that are being offered worldwide through the followers of Yogi Bhajan and his teachings, your eyes cannot remain dry.
By the way, more videos with sub-titles will be available soon and we're working on sub-titles for German and Chinese versions as well, so stay tuned!"
Celebrating the Contributions of the Prominent American Sikhs
Completing the Census is a civic duty every household must engage in.