The report provides a glimpse of the Sikh American population
Little did I know of the faceless foe of time..
Three pronunciation guides in English, German and French to facilitate the learning of Gurmukhi.
If there can be so many Kapoors and Kumars in the Hindi Cinema why not Singhs?
“There is nothing super heroic than combating hate and intolerance with all our creative forces.”
At this point in time, Sikhi does not have a collective, communal idea of what a Kaur looks like or what her physical identity should portray. This begs the question: Are Kaurs, as a collective, suffering from a physical identity crisis?
The Sikh display was thoughtful, colorful, elegant, and inspired interactive response.
Guru Nanak’s philosophy can be termed as that of love for God and His creation.
New Film scheduled to release January 19, 2019