When Guru Nanak Dev Ji goes into praise mode, he finds that even the words he chooses for praise to be profoundly inadequate. He feels that instead of praising, he has slighted, diminished the Praiseworthy God by his words.
The study of the structure of Guru Nanak’s hymns can be studied linguistically keeping in mind the context i.e., spirituality. His maximum writing is in Panjabi with only a few hymns in Lehndi, Persian, Sahskriti, Sadh Bhakha etc. At that time, the Punjabi language was not exactly the same as of today...
Gurbani uses this close relationship as a metaphor for that between the soul and God or the Supreme Soul. This is how. God resides in all creatures; IT gives soul to provide life to the body. The way husband and wife live in one house; God and soul are in the same body. Here again therefore there are two entities and one spirit.
The word ਨਾਮ means name. It is the identity like one’s role or profession and associated duties. It is also used for qualities/attributes like one who is kind, compassionate, cruel and so on. A good name means fame.
They are a living representation of wisdom and of our path. Because it has been such a difficult task to protect these scriptures multiple genocides and many attempts to silence them, we’ve taken their well-being very, very seriously throughout our history.
It is a God-given attribute, which is sometimes lost due to various reasons. It covers a broad canvas from small things like clearing the sidewalk of things, which may cause difficulty to pedestrians or cause them to slip, say on a banana peel.
Basically, Guru Ji has made a bold declaration that everyone is asleep. Guru Ji has also defined what does he mean by asleep. Guru Ji is implying we have been lulled to sleep by our senses.. Guru Ji likens the life after birth to being asleep because what we see in dreams is not real, as it vanishes when we are awakened. Guru Ji feels the same with the material world experienced in human life as perishable and which cannot be taken with us after death.
Human form is the opportunity to appreciate Divine majesty experienced within the self and seen in nature. This way, one feel humble and praises the Creator. Our conscience tells us to conduct ourselves in conformance to nature. As follows. The water in the oceans sees its duty to irrigate the land, be useful for washing and bathing and finally get back to the ocean.
Sikhism, a revealed religion, is the youngest among the major world faiths. This system, as preached by Guru Nanak, has a universal appeal and an eternal relevance. Guru Nanak is, in fact, the revealer of a new gospel, the founder of a new faith, the perfect example of piety and deep devotion.