Love is a basic human trait. It is our nature to love and to want to be loved.
There could be one hundred billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy, a US conference has heard.
What are down-to-earth answers drawn from Gurbani to help people tackling this world financial crisis; in pragmatic terms is it possible to create a counseling service based on the Guru's words?
To my mind this the finest example of a coffee table book but my heart rebels at such a moniker for it. It is much, much more than that; it is indeed a labor of love, with a lot more to teach us than simply being delightful eye-candy.
"Guru Nanak speaks without any variation through other nine Gurus and also through Sri Guru Granth Sahib".
A Book Review by I.J. Singh, New York University.
Out of 35 authors whose writings have been incorporated in Guru Granth Sahib, 16 were Brahmins, making their contribution 45 percent.
The last 2 pauris of Kabiyo Bach Benti Choupai are most often left out of Nit Nems and from the knowledge and practice of most Sikhs.